mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Ken Jennings’ Tuesday Trivia LXVI

It’s been a while since I did one of these, and I’m really squeaking this one in — past the submission deadline, before the next quiz comes out.

Quick premise refresher: Ken Jennings wrote the questions, and I’m trying to answer them using only the power of my own brain.

1.  At what city’s university, in 1745, did Pieter van Musschenbroek invent the world’s first capacitor by coating a glass jar with metal foil?
No idea, but I suspect I’ll be slapping my forehead when I hear the answer.

2.  What musician was born in 1965 as Richard Melville Hall?

3.  What’s the only former Soviet republic that still calls its secret police the KGB?

4.  What NHL team’s theme music is an Aram Khachaturian composition?
You’d stump me with “name an NHL team.”

5.  What’s the most common color of Reese’s Pieces, almost two-thirds again as numerous as the other shades?
Orange, I think.

6.  What was studied by Project Blue Book?

7.  What unusual distinction is shared by these TV series?  Cagney & Lacey, Columbo, James at 15, Kojak, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, The Love Boat, The Six Million Dollar Man, and The Waltons?
Were they spin-offs of TV movies of the week? Did Loretta Switt have to pass up a starring role on all of them because of her commitment to M*A*S*H? Were their initial episodes directed by Stephen Spielberg?

1 Comment

  1. Raghuveer

    Hey, I wasn’t sure if people are allowed to submit answers but am still doing it. Please post a note if otherwise (and feel free to remove my comment).

    1. No idea and am still wondering where the catch is!
    2. You have it.
    3. Are you going by the ‘K’? Why not Kyrgstan? Don’t you also think that Borat has caused a spurt in Kazhakstan questions?
    4. Buffalo Sabres? Aram’s most famous piece is the ‘Sabre dance’ and I only know about the team as my co-worker is a huge fan of them. Otherwise, like you I can’t spell NHL.
    5. No idea
    6. I wouldnt have come up with it but seeing your answer, am sure.
    7. TV is a cuss word for me.

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