mighty fine trivia by James Callan

My answers for Ken Jennings’ Tuesday Trivia LXXII

He asks, I try to answer (without consulting Google or Wikipedia).

1. What lost its pink (representing sexuality) in 1978, and its turquoise (representing magic) in 1979?
Total guess, but I like it: the gay & lesbian rainbow flag.

2. What word, meaning “swift thief,” was coined by scientists in 1924, though it didn’t become popularly known until the 1990s?
My best guess is tachyon, but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.

3. On what part of your body would you wear a homburg?
That’s a hat, so probably you’re head, unless you’ve got unusual hat issues.

4. Who was the only writer to have three separate works adapted into Alfred Hitchcock movies?
I was just typing “This is a great question, and I have no idea what the answer is” when the answer occurred to me: Daphne DuMaurier.

5. Who was the only one of the original seven Mercury astronauts never to fly a Mercury mission?
Process of elimination combined with the limits of my recall: Deke Slayton. That I remember his name at all is a testament to The Right Stuff.

6. What song title was a U.S. #1 for Rihanna, though it didn’t even crack the Top Ten for ABBA?
“S.O.S.” At least, that’s the only song title I can think of that’s common to the two of them — I’m surprised ABBA’s didn’t chart higher.

7. What unusual distinction is shared by these world cities (and no others that I’m aware of, but I may be missing some)? Amman, Jordan; Atchison, Kansas; Delhi and Indore, India; Istanbul, Turkey; Oranjestad, Aruba; St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles; Tenerife, Spain; Thermal, California; Tirana, Albania.
Absolutely no idea.

1 Comment

  1. Raghuveer

    1. 2 is Velociraptor
    2. Great pull on 4.

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