Round 6 at the Old Pequliar on April 1, 2008
Average score: 6.38/10 (21 teams)

1) On April 1, 2002, Google revealed that their search engine was powered by what animal, scientifically known as Columba livia?
2) On the homepage, in the upper left corner, there are five other Google products listed between Web and More. Name 3 of them. All 5 for 2 points.
3) Paul Buchheit is credited with coining Google’s three-word unofficial corporate motto: don’t do what?
4) Because it analyzed how many websites linked back to a particular page, the earliest version of the Google search engine was named after what kind of massage?
5) A googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeros. What number is a 1 with a googol zeros after it — which is also the name for Google’s corporate headquarters?
6) The patent for Google’s PageRank algorithm is held by what university?
7) In 1999, Google’s first modified logo celebrated what event that occurs annually in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert?
8) What software application, a pun on the name of a well-known artist, is Google’s digital photo organizer?
9) If you’re running Google Earth v4.2 on a PC and press control-alt-A, you’ll launch what hidden feature?
10) Because of trademark issues, what is Gmail’s official name in both Germany and the United Kingdom?

TIEBREAKER for the evening: The word Google, referring to the search engine, first appeared in the New York Times in an article about the web page What date was that article published?


1) pigeon
2) images, maps, news, shopping, Gmail
3) be evil
4) backrub
5) googolplex
6) Stanford
7) Burning Man
8) Picasa
9) flight simulator
10) Google Mail

TIEBREAKER: July 22, 1999