mighty fine trivia by James Callan

[QotD] June 2, 2009: Great minds …


Can you name three of the four composers who belong in this group — and explain why?
Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Claude Monet, Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, and William Wordsworth

How hard was this? [ratings]


The question: If you’re bisecting a Cavendish, you’re more than likely making what dessert?

The Cavendish is the most popular banana cultivar in the US. Cut one in half for dessert and you’re probably making a banana split. For yourself. Because I sure don’t want one. (You can also have credit for bananas foster, though that offers more fruit cutting options than just halving.)


  1. Robert Cumbow

    Too obscure.

  2. James Callan

    Yean, I probably should’ve made it a puzzler. My self-imposed deadline forced my hand.

  3. Robert Cumbow

    Actually, I tried to withdraw my comment but couldn’t figure out how to do that within the time frame. It WAS a little obscure–I had to resort to a Web search to find the answer and it turned out to be something I wasn’t familiar with. But after writing that comment, I thought (too late, as it turned out) that I’m too new to your site to be making judgments on what is or is not obscure for you and your regulars. I’ll stick with it though–and might drop by your pub one of these times.

  4. James Callan

    That question is definitely high on the difficulty scale, and I don’t try to produce too many questions that challenging. I’m also trying to ensure I get a question up every day (something I got lax on earlier this year), so in this case I ended up running with an idea I didn’t have time to simplify.

    In contrast, yesterday’s Cavendish question was voted as easy …

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