mighty fine trivia by James Callan

[QotD] June 5, 2009: Old Yeller


What 2007 movie had its world premiere in a small town in Vermont, rather than Massachusetts, Missouri, Illinois, or any of 9 other states?

How hard was this? [ratings]


That question, again: What website takes its name from a Mandarin word that means both “a gourd that holds precious things” and “interactive recording”?

Hulu.com is an online container for precious, precious video recordings, which is why they used the Chinese word that suggests both meanings. Their aesthetic, however, is distinctly un-gourd-like.


  1. Bill Shunn

    Are you kidding? It’s been two years since that movie already?

  2. James Callan

    Believe it … or not.

  3. Bill Shunn

    Two years since The Simpsons Movie? Really?

  4. James Callan

    1.858 years, according to Wolfram Alpha, but yes. Really and truly.

  5. Bill Shunn

    And it debuted in Springfield, VT, as opposed to all the other possible Springfields? But why? It’s a Ben & Jerry’s thing, right?

  6. James Callan

    There was a Springfield vs. Springfield (vs. Springfield, etc.) contest. Springfield, VT, won. (And apparently Springfield, MN, decided they didn’t care and refused to compete.)

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