mighty fine trivia by James Callan

[QotD] July 16, 2009: Pattern recognition


What game are you playing —probably online — if you stumble across patterns including Spaceship, Puffer Train, Glider, Methuselah, and Garden of Eden?

Make your best guess in the comments. Your prize? Public glory.


That question, again: The Sycamore Valley Ranch in California’s Santa Barbara County is better known by what name?

Answer: Once Michael Jackson bought the Sycamore Valley Ranch, he dubbed it Neverland Ranch. Where he has not actually been laid to rest.

How hard was this? [ratings]


  1. debcha

    That would be the Game of Life (not the dumb boardgame, the cool one with cellular automata).

  2. debcha

    (I didn’t see the answer, honestly! Suddenly feeling very dumb…)

  3. James Callan

    No worries! That’s why I put them on different days. We’re all on the honor system regardless.

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