mighty fine trivia by James Callan

[QotD] August 31, 2009: Hold the Spin Doctors


Disney princesses are a dime a dozen. Pixar princesses are a rarer thing. In fact, there’s only one Pixar movie that features a princess as a main character — and in fact, it’s got two. What movie is it?

(And once again, sorry for the unplanned hiatus.)

Answer (or guess) below. Prize: public glory.


That question, again: What car manufacturer’s name means “blacksmith” in the language of its home country?

Answer: Someone way back in the Ferrari family must have been a blacksmith, because that’s what the family name means in their native Italian. No wonder they love horses.

How hard was this? [ratings]


  1. Jen

    Is it A Bug’s Life? If memory serves, Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character is a princess.

  2. James Callan

    You are CORRECT. She’s Princess Atta — and Hayden Panettiere plays her little sis, who ends up being Princess Dot by the end of the movie.

    Um, spoilers, I guess.

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