mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Tag: italy

Quiz: Geography

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on June 3, 2008
Average score: 3.38/10 (16 teams)

So, yeah, this round’s a little too difficult.

1) None of the United Nations member states start with the letter X — or what other letter?
2) What’s the most populous country in the world where Spanish is a national language?
3) Name one of the two largest islands in Washington’s Island County.
4) 37 towns share the most popular place name in the US. Which founding father inspired most of them?
5) After the breakup of the Soviet Union, what country became the world’s leading producer of potatoes?
6) Put these three places in order of total area, from smallest to largest: the city of Juneau, Alaska; King County, Washington; and the state of Rhode Island
7) Maracaibo, Valencia, Barquisimeto, and Mérida are cities in what South American country?
8) Which US city contains the world’s largest population of Iranians outside of Iran?
9) Birthplace of Goethe, Bach and Nietzsche, what was the second-most-populous city in East Germany?
10) After the 1861 unification of Italy, two cities were capitals before Rome. Name one of them.

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1) The combined area of all Wal-Marts in the world is approximately equal to the area of which of these islands: Manhattan, Maui, Nantucket, or Vancouver Island?
2) Name one of the two states that border a record 8 other states.
3) Paris is the most populous French-speaking city in the world. What’s the second-largest?
4) What present-day country is home to most of the territory of the ancient Etruscan civilization?
5) Multiple choice: which of these distances is the longest: Moscow, Idaho to Moscow, Russia; San Juan Island to San Juan, Puerto Rico; Sun City, AZ to Sun City, South Africa; or Toledo, OH, to Toledo Spain?
6) What Pacific Ocean country is the most linguistically diverse in the world, home to over 820 languages?
7) Angola, East Timor, Macau, and Mozambique are all former colonies of what European country?
8) What country has the world’s second-largest sheep population, but is the world’s largest exporter of wool?
9) What’s the largest city located within the Mojave Desert?
10) What building was the tallest in Seattle for 48 years, from its construction to when the Space Needle was built?

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