mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Tag: lincoln

Quiz: Americana (Special Abraham Lincoln Edition)

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on Feb. 3, 2009

1) Lincoln Logs were invented by the son of what American architect?

2) Over 14,000 feet high, the tallest mountain named Lincoln in the United States is part of the Mosquito Range in what state?

3) Abraham Lincoln’s image was added to the front of the penny in 1909. Until 1958, the back of the penny depicted what agricultural product?

4) Which Seattle park is named after a survivor of Booth’s assassination plot, Lincoln’s Secretary of State?

5) Lincoln, featuring the songs “Purple Toupee” and “They’ll Need a Crane,” is the second album by what alternative rock band?

6) John Keating’s students could tell you: Which Walt Whitman poem includes the line “The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won”?

7) The Lincoln Highway, the US’s first coast-to-coast highway, connected Lincoln Park, San Francisco, to what New York City landmark?

8) Two ships in the US Navy have been named the USS Abraham Lincoln. For a half point each, what kind of vessels are they?

9) “The Apotheosis of Lincoln” and “Abraham Lincoln the Martyr Victorious” are among the pictures that show Lincoln being welcomed into heaven by what politician?

10) “If she were a president, she’d be Baberaham Lincoln,” says Garth about Wayne’s unbelievably hot girlfriend. What’s her name?

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The Food for Life baking company sells two kinds of bread made from recipes that include the ingredients listed in two different bible verses. What two books of the bible do those verses come from?


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