mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Tag: new england

Quiz: Geography

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on May 6, 2008
Average score: 6.42/10 (12 teams)

1) Which neighborhood was known as Brooklyn at the time Seattle annexed it in 1891?
2) What’s the most populous country in the world that considers English an official language?
3) What country contains the site of the ancient city of Ur?
4) What part of Massachusetts became the 23rd state in 1820, becoming the largest in New England?
5) Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania are the three countries that border what lake?
6) What’s the most populous city in Ohio that doesn’t begin with the letter C?
7) Hillary Clinton’s strongest victory so far came when she won 69.7% of the Democratic primary vote in what state?
8) What region of South America uses the Euro as its currency?
9) O. Henry coined the phrase “banana republic” to describe what Central American country, where these days a $140 dress from Banana Republic costs 2650 lempiras?
10) There are 16 mountains in the US taller than Mt. Rainier. In what three states will you find them?

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Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on Feb. 5, 2008
Average score: 3.78/10 (too hard!), 9 teams playing

1) Two cities have been among the 10 largest in America every census from 1790 to 2000. Name them both.
2) The Mackinac Bridge connects the cities of St. Ignace and Mackinaw City in what state?
3) What’s the only part of Arizona that observes Daylight Saving Time?
4) What city on the Black Sea is the largest port in Ukraine?
5) What national capital straddles the Han River?
6) What country launched Operation August Storm on August 8, 1945, invading Manchukuo?
7) It’s part of the Arab League and the Francophonie, but one African country does not belong to the African Union. Which one?
8) According to the 2007 Global Peace Index, what European kingdom is the most peaceful nation in the world?
9) What’s the most populous city in New England?
10) What Seattle suburb was founded as the town of East Seattle in 1904, but renamed itself in 1924 after an early settler?

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1) What U.S. city shares a border with Tijuana, Mexico?
2) Six states make up New England. Name five of them.
3) What German city, home of BMW, was selected as the most livable in the world by Monocle magazine?
4) The area known as Kurdistan includes small parts of Syria and Armenia, plus large parts of three other countries. Name two of those countries.
5) What US state first applied for admission to the union in 1849 under the name Deseret?
6) Sure, Patagonia is a clothing company, but it’s also a region of South America covering parts of two countries. Name one of them.
7) The Erie Canal connects Lake Erie to what river in New York?
8) The world’s largest producers of silver are Mexico and what South American country, which has produced silver for European consumption since the 1500s?
9) There’s a Moxy Fruvous song that claims the US’s lowest highest point is in Delaware, but they’re wrong. Which state actually has that distinction, peaking at a mere 345 feet above sea level?
10) The Golden Shield Project is a government-sponsored effort to control all Internet traffic into and out of what country?

Average score, 17 teams: 7.47

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