Round 2 at the Old Pequliar on August 12, 2008
Average score: 8.27/10 (11 teams)

Each correct answer starts with “o” or “oh.”

1) The official mottos of Manitoba and Alberta are Latin translations of lyrics from what song?
2) What speedy athlete and recent author of If I Did It portrayed Kadi Touray in the miniseries Roots?
3) “I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee” is part of the chorus of what popular folk song?
4) What abbreviated question appears all over the internet, often on a John White photograph of a snowy owl?
5) On Seinfeld, Elaine’s nemesis Sue Ellen Mischke inherited the fortune generated by what candy bar?
6) In 1980, what Chevy Chase film became the first Benji movie to be rated PG?
7) What popular graduation gift was the last book written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss?
8) What slang term was popularized during the 1840 presidential election by boosters of Martin Van Buren?
9) On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded after cold weather helped cause what part to fail?
10) What Shins album, their debut, contains the songs beloved by Natalie Portman’s manic pixie dream girl character in the movie Garden State?

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