1) According to RandMcnally.com, the driving distance from Seattle to Portland is closest to the driving distance between Chicago and which city: Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, or St. Louis?
2) What city is the SuperMall in?
3) What’s the most populous city in the US named after a person who was alive when it was founded?
4) The city of Oslo, Norway, is closest in population to which US city: Albuquerque, Charlotte, Detroit, or Las Vegas?
5) New Zealand is named after the province of Zeeland in what country?
6) What country is the world’s leading producer of avocados?
7) What’s the longest river in the U.S. that doesn’t share its name with a state?
8) On March 26, 1971, Bangladesh declared its independence from what country?
9) The mouth of the Cedar River, where it flows into Lake Washington, is located in what city?
10) When the Denny Party landed at Alki Point in 1851, the site was part of what U.S. territory?

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