mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Tag: times square

Boo Berry carries a box of cereal and marshmallows he forged in life, piece by piece, box by box, of his own free will.

Boo Berry carries a box of cereal and marshmallows he forged in life, piece by piece, box by box, of his own free will.


Count Chocula’s voice sounds like Bela Lugosi. Franken Berry’s voice sounds like Boris Karloff. But whose voice is imitated for Boo Berry’s voice in cereal commercials?

Answer (or guess) in the comments. Your prize? Public glory.

Tune in tomorrow for the answer.


That question, again: When One Times Square opened in 1905, the building was the headquarters of what company?

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The Times Square ball drop takes place every New Year’s Eve on the roof of  One Times Square. When the building opened in 1905, it was the headquarters of what company?

Make your best guess in the comments. Your prize? Public glory.


That question, again: Grace Kelly met her future husband Prince Rainier in 1955 while she visiting in France. What event was she attending that brought her within photo-op range of Monaco, anyway?

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Quiz: Americana (Special Abraham Lincoln Edition)

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on Feb. 3, 2009

1) Lincoln Logs were invented by the son of what American architect?

2) Over 14,000 feet high, the tallest mountain named Lincoln in the United States is part of the Mosquito Range in what state?

3) Abraham Lincoln’s image was added to the front of the penny in 1909. Until 1958, the back of the penny depicted what agricultural product?

4) Which Seattle park is named after a survivor of Booth’s assassination plot, Lincoln’s Secretary of State?

5) Lincoln, featuring the songs “Purple Toupee” and “They’ll Need a Crane,” is the second album by what alternative rock band?

6) John Keating’s students could tell you: Which Walt Whitman poem includes the line “The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won”?

7) The Lincoln Highway, the US’s first coast-to-coast highway, connected Lincoln Park, San Francisco, to what New York City landmark?

8) Two ships in the US Navy have been named the USS Abraham Lincoln. For a half point each, what kind of vessels are they?

9) “The Apotheosis of Lincoln” and “Abraham Lincoln the Martyr Victorious” are among the pictures that show Lincoln being welcomed into heaven by what politician?

10) “If she were a president, she’d be Baberaham Lincoln,” says Garth about Wayne’s unbelievably hot girlfriend. What’s her name?

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Quiz: Geography

1) Which US state comes last alphabetically?
2) Who has had the most square miles of the earth’s surface named after him or her?
3) What’s the popular name for the intersection at Broadway and Seventh Avenue in New York City?
4) The community of White Center in unincorporated King County is being considered for annexation by Seattle as well as what other city?
5) As of 2005, which city had the busiest Amtrak station west of the Mississippi? (most passenger traffic to and from)
6) Which of these is longest: the second-longest river in Africa, the second-longest river in Asia, the second-longest river in North America, or the second-longest river in South America?
7) What’s the official state religion of Bhutan?
8) The US was the first country to detonate a nuclear weapon. The Soviet Union was second. Which country was third?
9) What state capital, named for a US president, is the city with the greatest number of Flickr users per capita?
10) If you’re at the spot exactly opposite Seattle on a globe, what ocean are you in?
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