Every now and again, I’ll have an idea for a question, do a little research, and find out that it hasn’t been answered yet. At least, not in a simple “check the almanac” sort of way.

Case in point, a question I had been considering for a geography round at the Old Pequliar: what foreign country has had more US citizens die there than any other?

When I came up with the question, I figured it was probably France, what with our participation in a couple of world wars.  Then I thought maybe a nearby country like Mexico or Canada would actually win by gradual accumulation — lots of visitors, some of whom die.

Googling didn’t turn anything up.  At all. I figured this might be one of those interesting statistics that someone had listed somewhere, but no dice.

I ended up starting a thread on the Straight Dope Message Board. So far, no consensus, but I’m starting to think the answer is Mexico.