1. What flower symbolizes the throne of the emperor of Japan?
Hmm. Cherry blossom?

2. What’s the “predator” in the Nashville Predators’ NHL logo?
Hey, a sports question! I’m guessing: eagle.

3. What comes with two fontanelles?
A newborn baby’s skull.

4. In an unprecedented feat, the top 17 cable broadcasts of 2006 were all episodes of what program?
Aaaggghh. This is going to drive me nuts.

5. What country borders both of the world’s only two nations with square flags?
Good question, to which I don’t know the answer.

6. Who famously wrote the slogan “This machine kills fascists” on his guitar?
My brain wants me to answer “Johnny Cash,” but I’m pretty sure that’s not right. Further reflection: Woody Guthrie.

7. What unusual distinction is shared by these famous people? Billy Joel, Les Moonves, Demi Moore, Brigitte Nielsen, Kelly Ripa, Dennis Rodman, Salman Rushdie, and Seal.
They all appeared in Cobra! I don’t know, but I sure want to find out.