mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Ken Jennings’ Tuesday Trivia LXVII

Ken’s questions. My guesses.

1. In 2000, who became the only two-time Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year?
Total guess: Michael Jordan.

2. What two U.S. states have capitals named for people who were executed?
Man, this is a good question. I’m assuming Lincoln was an assassination, not an execution, hence Nebraska doesn’t count. Hmm. Oh — Saint Paul, so Minnesota. And … North Carolina. (Curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid get.) Torturous, but this is the kind of question that rewards memorizing state capitals. Thank god something rewards that.

3. What did the Electro String Instrument Corporation change its name to, to capitalize on a distant relationship between its founders and a World War I hero?
Again I don’t know.

4. Which knight of King Arthur’s Round Table is Sir Lancelot’s son?
Ah. Sir Galahad.

5. Who appears, in front of a landscape of a different nation entirely, on New Zealand’s five-dollar note?
Sir Edmund Hillary, I presume.

6. What’s the only city to twice host a season of MTV’s The Real World?
New York, isn’t it? This is what I get for being a one-season fan. (San Francisco.)

7. What unusual distinction is shared by these actors? Alan Arkin, Emilio Estevez, Henry Fonda, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman, Peter Ustinov, and John Wayne.
They directed themselves in movies? Mostly a guess.


  1. Raghuveer

    1. I would guess Tiger Woods…by 2000, MJ was not so hot anymore.
    2. Good going and I think you are right. Knowing the caps isn’t enough, you also need to know about the names. I didn’t know about St. Paul. This is a good ‘team’ question.
    3. I don’t know but this is how I would work it out – who are the famous WWI figures – Sergeant York and Red Baron are the only ones I know. Are there any companies with those names? Again a good ‘team’ question.
    4. Yo!
    5. Yo! and good question. It can’t be anything else the moment you think of it.
    6. Don’t know/don’t care.
    7. Don’t know but waiting for the answer.

  2. Darn.floor

    3. WW1 flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker \Rickenbacker Guitars.
    It’s what the John and George played.

  3. James

    Raghuveer: I looked up the answer to #1 once I’d committed my guess. Tiger Woods was my second thought — and the one I should’ve gone with.

    Darn.floor: I looked that one up later, too. I never, ever would’ve gotten around to thinking of Rickenbacker, even though I’ve heard of both the company and the WWI hero.

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