mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Ken Jennings’ Tuesday Trivia LXIX

He asks questions, I try to answer.

1.  The family on TV’s Married…with Children was named in honor of what wrestler?
It’s going to be someone named “Bundy,” but not Ted or McGeorge.

2.  “Theobromine,” meaning “food of the gods,” is the stimulant found in what substance?
Chocolate. Technically cocoa beans, I guess.

3.  What Best Picture-winning film was based on the short story collection Rope Burns?

4.  Who spent 1994 stocking shelves for minimum wage at a Hy-Vee grocery store in Cedar Falls, Iowa?

5.  What peninsular nation is home to Al-Jazeera, whose name means “the peninsula”?
I can’t remember if this is Dubai, United Arab Emirates, or if I’m just completely off base.

6.  What did Emily Dickinson call “the thing with feathers”?
Hope. But not Hope Davis.

7.  What unusual distinction is shared by these famous people?  Diamond Jim Brady, Rosey Grier, Woody Guthrie, Howlin’ Wolf, Ted Lilly, Cristiano Ronaldo, Dwight Yoakam, and Andrew Young.
They knit! They costarred with Ray Milland as a two-headed man! Sometimes they call it a sliing blade!

Yeah, I got nothin’.


  1. Pete

    #4: I could name a bunch, but you’re looking for Kurt Warner.

    #7: I think they were all named after US Presidents.

  2. James

    Sports illiteracy strikes again: My first thought was “Kurt who?” But Wikipedia suggests you’re right.

    And good call on #7.

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