A few months ago, I had the brilliant idea of doing a weekly series on Seattlest wherein I’d come up with 7 trivial facts about a local institution.

A week or so later, I realized that “weekly” was an optimistic target. It’s been more like monthly, though I’d like to get to every-other-week status.

Yesterday’s column was on seminal ’80s romance Say Anything…, the first film I remember noticing was set in Seattle. One commenter said it read like the IMDb trivia section, which is only aggravating because at least half the stuff doesn’t show up there. It’s also amusing because it’s not like there’s a huge, undiscovered trove of trivia about a movie like Say Anything…. Those articles are compilations of stuff that’s mentioned elsewhere, streamlined into vaguely bullet-pointed form. (Some “facts” themselves contain 7 subfacts. It’s a hall of mirrors.)

Beef up your conversations at Seattle parties with the other articles in the series: the Cinerama, the Lusty Lady, the Henry, and Dick’s Drive-In.