mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Puzzler: What song is this? #12

Can you name this song? (Click the image for a closer look.)

I plugged the lyrics of a popular song into Wordle and edited out any mentions of the title. The size of a word in the cloud represents how frequently the word appears in the song.

Pretty sure this is easier than yesterday’s …

UPDATE: And I was right. Solved in the comments by Steve. Congrats!


  1. Steve C.

    That’s “Tom’s Diner,” no?

  2. Adam Villani

    I notice that “Diner” still made it into the word cloud.

  3. James Callan

    “King” also makes it into “King of Pain.” I went back and forth on whether or not to remove the title as a phrase or all instances of all words in the title and opted for the former.

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