mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Puzzler: What song is this? #25

Can you name this song? (Click the image for a closer look.)

This is all the lyrics of a song, minus any mentions of the title, cloudified by Wordle. The bigger the word, the more the songwriter used it.

UPDATE: Solved by Kza in the comments. Congrats!


  1. Kza

    There’s a real obvious phrase buried in there that must give it away. Unfortunately, that’s only if you know the song, which I don’t.

    Base on what I’ve seen, though, I’m going to go with “Life During Wartime”.

  2. James Callan

    You know it well enough — that’s the song.

    (Was the phrase “Mudd Club”?)

  3. Kza

    Holy crap, I got it right?

    And yeah, it was “Mudd Club”. Shows you how much I pay attention to lyrics, other than maybe choruses.

  4. James Callan

    This ain’t no Mudd Club! No CBGB! I ain’t got time for that now.

  5. Steve C.

    Mudd Club always makes me think Zappa, but CBGB was the giveaway for me.

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