mighty fine trivia by James Callan

[Music quiz] Can you name this song?

Can you name this song?

Can you name this song?

I removed the lines mentioning its title, then ran the rest of the lyrics through Wordle. Can you name it?

Hint: This song was released in Show ▼


Hint: The artist is a Show ▼



What song is it?

Can you name this song?

Can you name this song?

Debcha got the Clash’s “London Calling” in just about no time flat. Kudos.


  1. Rich B

    “Marilyn Manson” gave it away. It’s You Get What You Give by the New Radicals. One of the most annoying videos ever.

  2. James Callan

    I don’t remember the video — YouTube, here I come! — but I have a soft spot in my heart for the song. Which is good, because it’s earwormed its way into my brain several times over the last few weeks.

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