mighty fine trivia by James Callan

[QotD] Lost in translation


(pop culture) In Spanish, they’re Pitufos. In German, Schlümpfe. And Puffi in Italian. What do we call them in English?


That question, again: Dracula is of course about a vampire. What kind of monster lurks at the heart of Bram Stoker’s later novel The Jewel of Seven Stars?

Answer: Queen Tera, the sinister villain at the heart of The Jewel of Seven Stars, is a mummy. I’m not sure whether or not she wandered around saying “Coin! Coin! Coin!” however.

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  1. Erik

    Got a hankerin’ for a nice bowl of Smurfberry Crunch.

  2. debcha

    Yeah, they’re Les Schtroumps in French, so that was my guess too.

  3. debcha

    Er, that should be Schtroumpfs.

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