mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Tag: king county

Quiz: Geography

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on June 3, 2008
Average score: 3.38/10 (16 teams)

So, yeah, this round’s a little too difficult.

1) None of the United Nations member states start with the letter X — or what other letter?
2) What’s the most populous country in the world where Spanish is a national language?
3) Name one of the two largest islands in Washington’s Island County.
4) 37 towns share the most popular place name in the US. Which founding father inspired most of them?
5) After the breakup of the Soviet Union, what country became the world’s leading producer of potatoes?
6) Put these three places in order of total area, from smallest to largest: the city of Juneau, Alaska; King County, Washington; and the state of Rhode Island
7) Maracaibo, Valencia, Barquisimeto, and Mérida are cities in what South American country?
8) Which US city contains the world’s largest population of Iranians outside of Iran?
9) Birthplace of Goethe, Bach and Nietzsche, what was the second-most-populous city in East Germany?
10) After the 1861 unification of Italy, two cities were capitals before Rome. Name one of them.

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2007 in Seattle in Review

1) In July, Boeing held a rollout ceremony for their new 787 jet. What’s the 787’s non-numeric name?
2) Dave Bazan, J. Tillman, and Robin Pecknold played the last-ever show at what legendary venue?
3) On April 16, what two local institutions buried the hatchet, avoided a court trial, and announced an end to a long-standing dispute?
4) Audio Day Dream was the debut album by what nationally known musical artist from Bothell?
5) For a few days after the Olympic Sculpture Park opened, a sign told people they couldn’t do what to the sculpture Typewriter Eraser, Scale X?
6) In September, Kapow! Coffee started a booming business selling what non-food-or-beverage?
7) Because it prompted so many building evacuations, the city threatened to ban what in all civic buildings?
8) In July, King County voted to ban what from all county restaurants, starting August 1 this year?
9) After 2 years on top, Seattle was knocked down to the second-most-literate city in America in 2007, losing the crown to what midwest city?
10) Who owns the top four floors of the new Seattle Art Museum building?

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Quiz: Geography

1) Metro Transit is to King County as Community Transit is to what?

2) What state has been the nation’s leading producer of milk since 1993?

3) In 1282, which neighboring country was the first future member of the UK to be conquered by England: Ireland, Scotland, or Wales?

4) What two countries occupy the vast majority of the Iberian Peninsula?

5) If you flew to the busiest airport in the country named after someone who’s still alive, what state would you be in in?

6) If you want to visit the site of the Battle of Waterloo, what country do you need to visit?

7) What country, the most populous member of the European Union, also contains its geographic center?

8) Four Asian countries belong to La Francophonie, a group of countries whose culture, language, and history have been influenced by France. Name two of them.

9) Iraq called it their 19th province. What do we call it?

10) Which Seattle neighborhood is named after a chief of the Nisqually tribe who was hanged for murder in 1858 but exonerated by a Historical Court of Inquiry in 2004?

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on Sept. 4, 2007.

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Quiz: Geography

1) There are two King Counties in the US. We’re in one of them. The other is one of the 254 counties in which state?
2) 48 US states are divided into counties. Louisiana is divided into parishes. Which state is divided into boroughs?
3) Which of these cities is closest to Tokyo, as the crow flies: San Francisco, Portland OR, Seattle, or Vancouver BC?
4) The Minoan civilization, one of the oldest in Europe, originated on which Mediterranean island?
5) What Russian city is the world’s northernmost city with a population greater than 1,000,000?
6) By population, what country is the world’s largest constitutional monarchy?
7) What island nation, conquered by the Japanese in 1942, was renamed Shonanto until the British repossessed it in 1945?
8) The Blue Nile and White Nile rivers meet to form the Nile in what country south of Egypt?
9) What city, recaptured by the Union in 1862, was the most populous in the Confederate States of America?
10) If you start in Bellevue and drive north on I-405, what’s the next city you’ll come to?

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on August 7, 2007. Average score (out of 18 teams): 4.72 Continue reading

Quiz: Geography

1) Which US state comes last alphabetically?
2) Who has had the most square miles of the earth’s surface named after him or her?
3) What’s the popular name for the intersection at Broadway and Seventh Avenue in New York City?
4) The community of White Center in unincorporated King County is being considered for annexation by Seattle as well as what other city?
5) As of 2005, which city had the busiest Amtrak station west of the Mississippi? (most passenger traffic to and from)
6) Which of these is longest: the second-longest river in Africa, the second-longest river in Asia, the second-longest river in North America, or the second-longest river in South America?
7) What’s the official state religion of Bhutan?
8) The US was the first country to detonate a nuclear weapon. The Soviet Union was second. Which country was third?
9) What state capital, named for a US president, is the city with the greatest number of Flickr users per capita?
10) If you’re at the spot exactly opposite Seattle on a globe, what ocean are you in?
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