mighty fine trivia by James Callan

Tag: tanzania

Quiz: Geography

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on July 1, 2008.
Average score: 6.29/11 (17 teams)

1) What country does the Onion’s Our Dumb World atlas describe as the “Nobel Prize Winner for Great Cheekbones”?
2) Seven Seattle streets are named for members of the Denny Party who arrived at Alki Point on November 13, 1851. Other than Denny Way, name one street for one point, or three streets for 2 points. (Don’t write down more than 3 answers!)
3) The Three Gorges Dam is under construction on what river?
4) The Helium Capital of the World, the Execution Capital of the World, and the Live Music Capital of the World are nicknames for three cities in what state?
5) What’s the most populous US state with a Democratic governor?
6) What South American country, one of two that doesn’t border Brazil, is the world’s leading exporter of bananas?
7) If you’re visiting scenic Zanzibar, you’re in what African nation?
8) What’s the most populous city in a country that was a member of the Warsaw Pact?
9) What Asian nation’s name means “land of the pure” in Urdu, its national language?
10) Bailey Peninsula in Lake Washington is entirely taken up by what Seattle park?

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Quiz: Geography

Round 1 at the Old Pequliar on May 6, 2008
Average score: 6.42/10 (12 teams)

1) Which neighborhood was known as Brooklyn at the time Seattle annexed it in 1891?
2) What’s the most populous country in the world that considers English an official language?
3) What country contains the site of the ancient city of Ur?
4) What part of Massachusetts became the 23rd state in 1820, becoming the largest in New England?
5) Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania are the three countries that border what lake?
6) What’s the most populous city in Ohio that doesn’t begin with the letter C?
7) Hillary Clinton’s strongest victory so far came when she won 69.7% of the Democratic primary vote in what state?
8) What region of South America uses the Euro as its currency?
9) O. Henry coined the phrase “banana republic” to describe what Central American country, where these days a $140 dress from Banana Republic costs 2650 lempiras?
10) There are 16 mountains in the US taller than Mt. Rainier. In what three states will you find them?

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Used Jan 9, 2007, at the Old Pequliar.

  1. What’s the tallest peak in the Olympic Mountains?
  2. What strait connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?
  3. What country is Mount Kilimanjaro in?
  4. What word meaning “mapmaking” combines the Greek words for “map” and “write”?
  5. Colorado has the highest average elevation in the US. What state has the highest average elevation east of the Mississippi?
  6. Name one of the two Mexican states that borders Arizona.
  7. Name two of the three US states that contain parts of Yellowstone National Park.
  8. What’s the largest city by population in the UTC -6 time zone, a.k.a. Central Time?
  9. In 2005, what Asian city surpassed Singapore as the busiest port in the world, measured by total shipping tonnage? (shipping tonnage = total mass of cargo transported though the port)
  10. Within Seattle city limits, Washington State Route 522 is known as what street?

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